To facilitate the submission process and the subsequent follow-up process, please consider the following guidelines, information, tips, terms, and deadlines mentioned.
General guidelines:
Abstract Submission Details
Abstract guidelines:
1st Author’s Name and Surname1, 2nd Author’s Name and Surname2, .... (12 font size; Centered)
1Affiliation, 2Affiliation, …. (12 font size; Centered)
E-mail of corresponding author (12 font size; Centered)
The name of all authors should be listed and the main presenter should be underlined.
Unstructured abstract including a single paragraph that briefly summarizes each main section of the paper without any subdivisions. It should be written in a paragraph with 12 font size, Times New Roman, single line spacing. The abstract must not exceed 250 words, excluding the full title, title, author’s name, surname, affiliations, and references.
Keywords: This section should contain maximum 5 words separated by comma.
References: Maximum 3 references should be provided.
References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order). In-text references should be cited in parentheses by their corresponding number (#). Software programs that automatically create endnotes, footnotes, and references should not be used. In References section, citations in non-English languages should be translated into English, and the original language has to be mentioned in square brackets [Turkish], for example. Journal titles in the Reference section should be abbreviated in accordance with the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Index Medicus. The following is the style used for common types of references:
Journal article with one, two, or three authors:
Uzun A, Cengiz N, Kavaklı A. Morphological and microscopical examination of the rat brachial plexus [Turkish]. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2001; 25(3): 397-402.
Journal article with more than three authors:
Liu C, Yu K, Bai J, et al. Experimental study of tendon sheath repair via decellularized amnion to prevent tendon adhesion. PLoS ONE. 2018;13(10):e0205811. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205811.
Book with a single author:
Gretchen LH. Animal tissue techniques. 4th ed. San Francisco, USA: WH Freeman 1979; 51-119.
Book with multiple authors:
Aronoff GR, Berns JS, Brier ME, et al. Drug prescribing in renal failure. 4th ed. Philadelphia, USA: American College of Physicians 1999; 39-45.
Chapter in a book with editors:
Nordin M, Lorenz T, Campello M. Biomechanics of tendons and ligaments. In: Nordin M, Frankel VH (Eds). Basic biomechanics of musculoskeletal system. 3rd ed. Maryland, USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2001; 102-125.
Conference proceedings:
Davidson EB. Treatment of mammary tumors in dogs and cats. In Proceedings: North American veterinary conference. Orlando, USA 2003; 1036-1038.
Koyun M. The helminths fauna of some fishes in Enne Dam Lake. PhD. Thesis, Uludag University Science Institution. Bursa, Turkey: 2000.
Electronic material:
Animal and plant health inspection service website. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Available at: Accessed Feb 18, 2020.
CLSI. Auto verification of Medical Laboratory Results for Specific Disciplines. 1st ed. CLSI guideline AUTO15. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2019.
A sample abstract is provided for your reference below.
1st Author’s Name and Surname1, 2nd Author’s Name and Surname2, .... (12 font size; Centered)
1Affiliation, 2Affiliation, …. (12 font size; Centered)
E-mail of corresponding author (12 font size; Centered)
The extended abstract must contain the following sections: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and References.
Unstructured abstract including a single paragraph that briefly summarizes each main section of the paper without any subdivisions. It should be written in one paragraph with 12 font size, Times New Roman, single line spacing. It should contain 150 to 250 words.
Keywords: This section should contain maximum 5 words separated by comma.
The name of all authors should be listed and the main presenter should be underlined.
The extended abstract shall be written in font Times New Roman, single line spacing and 12 font size. It should contain a minimum of 1500 and a maximum of 2000 words in maximum 10 pages. The extended abstracts can contain figures and tables which are not included in the word count. The references are not included in the word count. The page format should be A4 page size with margins of 2.5 cm from the right, left, top and bottom. The pages should be numbered.
The supporting figures, tables and images (no more than three) may be included in the extended abstract. The figures and images must be numbered and figure legends should be placed under the figure or image. 300 DPI is the standard print resolution for high resolution output. The same data should not be presented in both table and graph form or repeated in the text. Similarly, the tables should also be numbered, and the table caption should be placed at the top (See examples). Please ensure the figures and tables are included in the paper file and are placed next to the relevant text in the paper.
Fig. 1. Legend….
Table 1. Caption…
The introduction section should (1) Present the problem and the proposed solution, (2) Presents nature and scope of the problem investigated, (3) Reviews the relevant literature to orient the reader.
The methodology must be clearly stated and described in sufficient detail with appropriate references. The author shall explain the research question, describe the research framework, and outline the methods applied in detail. This section should highlight why the particular research question is relevant to theory and practice, and why the chosen method(s) is (are) suited to the problem.
The findings are described in detail in this section.
Discussion should include (1) the principles and generalizations inferred from the results, (2) any exceptions, problems or limitations of the work, (3) theoretical and/or practical implications of the work, and (4) conclusions drawn and recommendations.
References should be between 5 to 15. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order). In-text references should be cited in parentheses by their corresponding number (#). Software programs that automatically create endnotes, footnotes, and references should not be used. In References section, citations in non-English languages should be translated into English, and the original language has to be mentioned in square brackets [Turkish], for example. Journal titles in the Reference section should be abbreviated in accordance with the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Index Medicus. Extended abstracts will use the same citation format as listed above.
A sample extended abstract is provided for your reference below.
2024-04-20Paper submission
2024-05-05First submission deadline
2024-07-05Extended submission deadline
2024-08-05**Final submission deadline**
2024-09-10Review deadline
2024-09-25Conference start
2024-10-21Conference end